
Error : failed to create symlink (13) Permission denied CloudLinux

Are you getting Error : failed to create symlink (13) Permission denied CloudLinux, this tutorial will help you.

You are getting this error because of CloudLinux has introduced new protection type, called Link Traversal Protection

In very rare cases, it might break some of the CloudLinud and cPanel functionality, for example:

# selectorctl –set-user-current=5.4 –user=user
Error : failed to create symlink /home/user/.cagefs/opt/alt/php52/link/conf to /opt/alt/php52/etc/php.d: [Err code 13] Permission denied
Error : failed to create symlink /home/user/.cagefs/opt/alt/php53/link/conf to /opt/alt/php53/etc/php.d: [Err code 13] Permission denied
Error : failed to create symlink /home/user/.cagefs/opt/alt/php51/link/conf to /opt/alt/php51/etc/php.d: [Err code 13] Permission denied
Error : failed to create symlink /home/user/.cagefs/opt/alt/php56/link/conf to /opt/alt/php56/etc/php.d: [Err code 13] Permission denied

This means that the protection is enabled, both keys fs.protected_symlinks_create and fs.protected_hardlinks_create are set to 1, but the parameters set for fs.protected_symlinks_allow_gid and fs.protected_hardlinks_allow_gid are not correct. The values shall correspond to the linksafe group ID, for example:

# getent group linksafe


# sysctl -a |grep allow_gid
fs.protected_hardlinks_allow_gid = 993
fs.protected_symlinks_allow_gid = 993

If it doesn’t solve the issue, HostPerl’s server management plan will help you.

[Need assistance to fix this error or install tools? We’ll help you.]

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