
Install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, we shall show you how to install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 20.04.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a first-person-shooter game from Activision. We shall build the server that will use as a match server with ETPro and latest competitive configuration.

Install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 20.04


Use sudo at the beginning of the command if you are a normal user with administrative privileges.

Let’s start with the installation.

1. Keep the server up to date

# apt update -y

# apt upgrade -y

2. Install dependencies

Since Enemy Territory is a dated game, some legacy dependencies are required:

# dpkg –add-architecture i386
# apt-get install -y libc6:i386

3. Install Enemy Territory

Create the directory where Enemy Territory will be installed.

# mkdir -p ~/et/

Download the Enemy Territory game installation from Splash Damage.

# mkdir -p /tmp/etsetup
# cd /tmp/etsetup
# wget
# unzip
# ./ –noexec –target /tmp/etsetup/extracted
# mv extracted/* ~/et/
# cd ~/et/
# mv bin/Linux/x86/etded.x86 .

4. Install ETTV

In order for ETTV relays to connect to your server, replace the ETTV binary from GamesTV and make it executable.

# wget
# chmryod +x ettv.x86

5. Install ETPro

Download and extract ETPro into place.

# wget
# unzip
# rm -rf unzip

6. Configurations

Download the global configurations into place.

# cd etpro/
# wget
# unzip
# rm -rf
# cd ..

Place the following contents into ~/et/etpro/server.cfg using vi editor.

# vi ~/et/etpro/server.cfg

With the following contents:

//=========================Server Passwords======================//
set g_password “mypassword” // set to password protect the server
set sv_privateclients “0” // if set > 0, then this number of client slots will be reserved for connections
set sv_privatepassword “” // that have “password” set to the value of “sv_privatePassword”
set rconpassword “myrcon” // remote console access password
set refereePassword “myreferee” // referee status password
set b_shoutcastpassword “myshoutcast” // Shoutcast login

//=============================DL, RATE==========================//
set sv_maxRate “25000”
set sv_dl_maxRate “2048000”
set sv_allowDownload “1”
set sv_wwwDownload “1”
set sv_wwwBaseURL “”
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected “0”
set sv_wwwFallbackURL “”

//=============================MOD, ECT==========================//
set sv_hostname “My Server Name” // name of server here
set server_motd0 ” ” // message in right corner of join screen here
set server_motd1 ” ”
set server_motd2 ” ”
set server_motd3 ” ”
set server_motd4 ” ”
set server_motd5 ” ”

//==========================MASTER SERVERS==========================//
// The master servers are unset, which means your server will not appear on the list
// This is to avoid DDoS attacks, delete the next 5 lines if you want your server to reappear on the list

set sv_master1 “”
set sv_master2 “”
set sv_master3 “”
set sv_master4 “”
set sv_master5 “”

map radar
wait 300
config global3
wait 150
config global3

//=========================LOG SETTINGS======================//
set g_log “etserver.log”
set g_logsync 0
set logfile 0

set ettv_sv_maxslaves “2”
set ettv_password “3ttv”
set b_ettv_flags “3”

// Maximum number of clients per IP address
set ip_max_clients 2

In this file change the following configuration options to whatever is best for your situation:

  • g_password – This is the password to connect to the gameserver, it may be blank.
  • rconpassword
  • refereePassword
  • b_shoutcastpassword
  • sv_hostname – The name of the server that users see.
  • server_motd0 – (0-5) Text lines that are displayed on server connect.

6. Download additional maps

Additional maps will need to be placed within the etmain/ directory. They can be added in the following manner:

# cd etmain/
# wget
# cd ~/et/

No additional configuration is required.

7. Create new start script

For simplicity, wrap the start command of the new server in a shell script.

Write a simple script to start your new server using vi editor at ~/et/

# vi ~/et/

With the following contents:


DIR=”$( cd “$( dirname “${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” )” >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )”
“${DIR}/ettv.x86” \
+set dedicated 2 \
+set vm_game 0 \
+set net_port 27960 \
+set sv_maxclients 32 \
+set fs_game etpro \
+set sv_punkbuster 0 \
+set fs_basepath “${DIR}” \
+set fs_homepath “${DIR}” \
+exec server.cfg

Make sure this script is executable.

# chmod +x ~/et/

Run the Server
To run the server now, invoke the script that was just created:

# ~/et/

This will run the server in the foreground. If you wish to run the server in the background for a long period, the script should be invoked from within a utility such as screen or tmux.

It is possible to run more than one Enemy Territory server on your Vultr virtual server, to make this possible allocate a different port for every gameserver that will run, this is defined in the script.

Connect to the server

You can connect the server using following command:

/connect 192.1168.0.1:27960; password <Your g_password>


  • Replace to your server IP.
  • Replace <Your g_password> to your password that you have set.
  • The 27960 value may be different depending on if you have altered the ~/et/ script above.

That’s it. The installation is successfully completed.

In this tutorial, we have seen how to install Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on Ubuntu 20.04.