Linux Commands and Scripts

How To Change git File Permission Issue

In this article, we will covered how to solve changing git file permission issue.

Are you getting issue of changing file permission on doing git pull on server/remote machine?

This is because of the issue with writable group permission.

1. In case you want your GIT not to track the file permission changes, run the following command:

git config core.fileMode false
git init

Make sure it’s fileMode (case sensitive).

Alternatively, you can open your config file also :

cd goto/rootdirectory
cd .git
vi config

You will get something like this :

[core]repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false

Change your filemode to false if it’s true and save file.

2) In case still the issue persist, then it can be your ‘umask’ at fault.

Type command :


If it returns 0002 , changing it to 0022 by tying command :

umask 0022

To changing the default umask (as it will get reset on every login to your server) , use following command:

# vi ~/.bashrc

Append/modify following line to setup a new umask:

umask 022

Save file and you should be good to go.

In this article, we have seen how our support engineers solve changing git file permission issue.

[Need assistance to fix this error or install tools? We’ll help you.]

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