Linux Commands and Scripts

How To Configure R1Soft Server Backup Manager heap memory


You may need to fix heap space memory if Server Backup Manager is running into Java Heap: Out of Memory errors.

The –set-max-mem setup command allows you to set the max heap your server uses. In the following example the max memory heap size is set to 1 gigabyte.

# serverbackup-setup –set-max-mem 1g
You can get examples of the input with:
# serverbackup-setup –help
Alternatively, you can configure the heap memory manually in the server.conf file.
1. Access the server.conf file. By default, in Server Backup Manager the file is located in:
# vi /usr/sbin/r1soft/conf/server.conf
2. Edit server.conf as follows:
Change compute.maxmemory:
# compute.maxmemory=false
Uncomment maxmemory and set to new value in MB. For example:
# maxmemory=1024
3. Save the server.conf file.
4. Restart the Server Backup Manager Server Service.
# /etc/init.d/cdp-server restart

Today, we’ve learned how our Support Engineers Configure R1Soft Server Backup Manager heap memory.

[Need assistance to fix this error or install tools? We’ll help you.]

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