Linux Commands and Scripts

Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we’ll discuss about how to install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04.

Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container applications on Docker defined using the Compose file format. Many popular Docker projects require Docker Compose to run, such as Bitwarden.

Let’s get started with the installation.

Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1 – Install Python and pip

Docker Compose requires Python and the pip package manager.

# apt install -y python3 python3-pip

Step 2 – Install Docker Compose

Install Docker Compose with pip.

# pip3 install docker-compose

Step 3 – Test Docker Compose

Verify the Docker Compose installation.

# docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.27.4, build unknown

The installation has been completed successfully.

In this article, we have about how to install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04.

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