In this article, we will learn more about Linux 10 useful who command examples.
who command show who is logged in into the Linux system and also including the terminals they are connecting from.
Basic syntax of the who command is as follow:
# who [OPTION]… [ FILE | ARG1 ARG2 ]
1. To display account information, just use command who with any arguments
# who
2. To print, the heading of the columns displayed
# who -H
3. Display total number of logged on users
# who -q
4. Display only hostname and user associated with stdin
# who -m
5. To add user’s message status as +, – or ?
# who -T
6. Display the last system boot time
# who -b
7. You can check the current runlevel
# who -r
8. Display dead process
# who -d
9. Display active processes spawned by init
# who -p
10. printing of default output combined with information from some of the options we have covered
# who -a
We have covered few commands of the who. For more installation, visit man page of the who command
# man who
We have seen Linux 10 useful who command examples in this article.
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