In this article, we will learn how to install Ionic Framework on Ubuntu 20.04. We will install Ionic Framework v5.4.16 and Node.js v14.
Ionic Framework is an open source mobile UI toolkit for building high quality, cross-platform native and web app experiences. Move faster with a single codebase, running everywhere. Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Co. in 2013. The original version was released in 2013 and built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova.
1. Install Node.js v14
We need to install Node.js first in our server using PPA using following command.
# curl -sL | sudo -E bash –
# apt-get install -y nodejs
2. Install Cordova
To install Cordova in our server globally using following npm command. It will install all other required node modules on your system.
# npm install -g cordova
3. Install Ionic Framework v5.4.16
Now install Ionic Framework. The following npm command will install latest version of the Ionic Framework. Here we have installed v5.4.16. Ionic provides and commands line utility for creating packages, build and start applications
# npm install -g ionic
After completing the installation of the Ionic Framework, verify the version of the Ionic Framework using following command:
# ionic -v
4. Create Application with Ionic Framework
The following command will create a new Cordova project on your computer
# ionic start HelloWorld blank
We have successfully learnt how to install Ionic Framework on Ubuntu 20.04.
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